> 英语 >
英语有一题不会; 根据所给单词的提示 填入恰当的词使句子变得完整 请看问题补充 帮个忙,
1.l like( )(dress).I don't like( )(skirt).
2.Tom likes( )(swim)in the sea.
3.What can you( )(play)?I can( )(play)?I can( )(play)the guitar.
4.It( )(rainy)cats and dogs just now.
5.The( )(child)are in vlass 3,grade 5.they( )(be)nice.
6.( )(chinese)is a big country.
7.( )(be)there any( )(water)in the cup?yes,there( )(be).
8.How many( )(knife) do you have?
I ( )(not have) any.But Tom( )(have) two.
人气:196 ℃ 时间:2019-11-15 18:56:13
1.l like( dresses ).I don't like(skirts) 因为:是可数名词哦.
2.Tom likes(swimming)in the sea.原因:like doing
3.What can you (play)?I can(play)?I can (play)the guitar.原因:can+动词原形
4.It(rained)cats and dogs just now.原因:just now 过去时态哦
5.The (children)are in vlass 3,grade 5.they( are)nice.原因:是复数
6.(China)is a big country.原因:中国是China
7.( Is)there any (water)in the cup?yes,there(is).原因:water不可数,用is
8.How many( knives) do you have?原因:复数哦knife—knives
I ( don't have) any.But Tom(has ) two.注意后边是has,单三
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