“本文浅析了中国传统文化元素在包装设计中的应用,分别从图形、色彩、材料、文字等传统元素,浅析论述传统文化元素在包装设计中的优势和无可比拟的先天条件.本文列举了传统元素在包装设计中的成功案例,并加以分析,同时也提出了如何正确认识和吸收传统元素,让它更好的应用于现代包装设计中,最后总结出中国传统元素在现代包装设计中具有深远的现实意义.” 我非常急,
人气:393 ℃ 时间:2019-10-09 17:32:29
This paper analyzed the Chinese traditional culture elements in packaging design, the application of respectivelyfrom graphics, colors, materials and traditional elements such as text, briefly discusses the advantages of traditional culture elements in packaging design and incomparable congenital conditions. This paper enumerates the traditional elements in the packaging design of successful cases, and analysed, and it also puts forward how to correctly understand and absorb the traditional elements and make it better used inmodern packaging design, and finally summed up the Chinese traditional elements in modern packaging designhas far-reaching practical significance.求采纳