3.His pants are ①out of style.①(画线部分提问)注.两个 ①中的为画线部分,下面同是
①①① his pants? ①也代表横线
4.You could①borrow some books from Jim. ①(提问)
①① you①?
5.This matter surprised me.
I①① at this matter.
6.I don`tknow what I will do next.(改为简单句)
I don`tknow①①① next.
人气:309 ℃ 时间:2020-06-07 20:27:36
3.His pants are ①out of style.①(画线部分提问)How style are his pants?4.You could ①borrow some books from Jim.①(提问)What could you borrow?5.This matter surprised me.I was surprised at this matte...你Q多少啊,我还有许多问题要问你呢我很少上Q,有问题你直接问就Ok! 一会儿还要出去,呵呵!我百度Hi你行吗嗯,可以,有问题你就直接HI我,我看到之后就帮你解答……
- 读对话,将句子补充完整.mike:how ----------- ---------- you? amy:I'40kg.mike:I'm 35kg.I'm ------ --------- you.2.Sarah:-
- 阅读短文,
- Part I Directions:In this part there are 20 incomplete sentences.For each sentence there four choices marked A,B,C,and D
- = =
- 1、The teacher told( ) for being late for class.(A、off me B、me out C、me off D、me away)
- 按部就班,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,三头六臂,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,粗制滥造.
- 如何有效的理解劳动力和劳动的区别?
- 怎样求化合物中某元素所占质量分数?例:KIO3z中碘元素的质量分数是?