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猎头工作要什么经验..if you can write in english ..that will much better thanks ..
人气:167 ℃ 时间:2019-10-14 06:44:23
各行各业的人都能跳成猎头,因为猎头招聘也是有行业细分的,你之前的工作背景和人脉也是大有用处的.i know that what you talking about ..but i need to describe that in english for interview ...i have passed the first around of interview you don't need to particular explain what the job needed to do .just explain that what i should say something can impressedat the interview with boss lets them to hire me ...that may works ..thanks ...not that bullshitting .....:>can u just describe in several aspects?1. The industry knowledge that your former job has brought u2. What realm suposed to be the one u may specialize in3. Your ambition should be highlighted(but sometimes it doesn‘t work)4. Something u ’ve already said in the first round should be repeated(1)headhunting is a high-pressure iob, so, examples again, "what a mess!", but you can handle it, see?(2)I don't know what kind of company it is,but different headhunting companies aim to different levels of positons, sounds the one u r appling aims to high level, so u need to prepare the examples that show your superiority to contact with the "high levels"~5. Keep high logic~6. Match the company's work style~7. Boss may have interacts with u, watch out! Speechcraft is essential~u know it is hard to negotiate an offer for your hirer.thanks ...this seem really wrok for the position ..... ...Good luck
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