人气:484 ℃ 时间:2020-03-18 01:46:03
I'm XXX,I come from XX,I am a assosiate student.I have the ability of good communication and coordination,good responsibility,and I have the abilities of logic analysis and deal with questions.I have once worked in XX department for half a year,then worked in XX department as a technician for more two years,now I am planning to develope in XX Management Department.技术活怎么说呢?不一定要个技术员technical works那你再修改一下,前面就不能用AS吧I'm XXX, I come from XX, I am a assosiate student. I have the ability of good communication and coordination, good responsibility, and I have the abilities of logic analysis and deal with questions. I have once worked in XX department for half a year, then worked in XX department and have done some technical works for more two years, now I am planning to develope in XX Management Department.责任心强要加主语吗,放在那能独立成句吗,影响不不影响,全都加上就太生硬啦。。。ok !thank you不客气。。。