captain of girls` soccer team and on basketball team
人气:222 ℃ 时间:2019-11-08 10:17:08
- captain,of,the,Bob,team,basketball,the,is 连词成句
- the,of,is,captain,Jim,basketball,the,team 连词成句
- That panda is _e_l_ _pretty.Peter is the captain of the basketball team,but he is a bit _u_ _ _.
- Our teachers and classmates ___ me the captain of the basketball team at school.
- 选词用适当形式填空 [favorite basketball soccer not be on Jim team play he school] 以上所给词 题在下
- you can't _____ (take) the boy to the park.用所给词的适当填空
- 一个实心物体,放在水中静止时,有2/5的体积露出水面,则该物体的密度是_kg/m3.
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- 跳绳运动员质量为50千克,1分钟跳180次.假设每次跳跃,脚与地面接触时间占跳跃一次所需时间2/5.
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- 以e开头的英语单词有哪些
- 铁和钢都是铁的合金,生铁中碳的含量在2.0%至4.3%之间,钢中碳的含量在0.03%至2.0%之间,将一块质量为11.4g的铁合金放入锥形瓶中,再向其中加入89.2g稀硫酸,恰好使铁合金中的铁完全反应(碳不溶于稀硫酸,铁合金中其他元素含量很
- This math problem is _____ that one.I can't work it out
- 全球变暖气候越来越严重这说明环境问题有什么影响
- 如图所示,在△ABC中,AE是∠BAC的外角∠DAC的平分线,且AE平行于BC,试判断△ABC的形状