> 英语 >
This is the house __ he once lived __ when he was a child.A which in B that;/ 可以选B吗?为什么?
人气:377 ℃ 时间:2019-09-17 04:15:09
选A,不能选B.原因:定于从句的动词live 后有介词时,不能用that做关系代词,只能用which .也可以去掉介词,用副词where,比较一下:
This is the house where he once lived when he was a child.
This is the house in which he once lived when he was a child.
This is the house which he once lived in when he was a child.
三句都行.因为that可以当关系副词用,因此我可以认为,这里的that=where,所以我认为可以选B。请问,为什么此处的that不能当作where用呢?注意: 凡是定语从句中“动词+介词”的话,不可以用that,记住。比较一下:This factory is the one which I once worked in.(用where就可去掉in) (work in the factory)The factory is the one that I once visited. (可用which)( visit the factoy)请看下面的句子:He is unlikely to find the place (that / where / inwhich) he lived forty years ago. 他不大可能找到他四十年前居住过的地方。据此,我的提问应可填where.不能用that, 其他两个都行。
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