> 英语 >
Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.
Many smokers say that smoking helps them think clearly .___ also say that offering somene a cigarette is ___ good way to start a conversation .___ ,I am afraid I cannot agree with them .I am strongly against smoking.
First ,smoking is bad ___ one's health .People who smoke often develop lung cancer ,heart disease and other illnesses .
___ ,smoking pollutes the air .People cannot work or study well in a room full of smoke .Reports state that passive smoking is even more harmfui ___ active smoking .
Third ,smoking wastes money .Every year ,millions of dollars are spent treating diseases ___ are caused by smoking .
Therefore ,smoking does more harm than good ,and students should ___ pick up the habit.
人气:149 ℃ 时间:2020-03-20 17:35:49
TheyaHoweverforSecondthanwhichnot翻译 许多吸烟的人说吸烟可以帮助他们清晰地思考.他们还说给别人香烟是一种很好的开始谈话的方式.然而,我恐怕不能同意他们的说法.我强烈地反对吸烟.首先,吸烟有害身体健康.吸烟的...
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