The living Treasures Program originated in Santa Fe,New Mexico in the USA in 1984 and has now spread to dozens of other communities across the country.
It started when a Santa Fe organization called the Network for the Common Good was established.The idea was to celebrate the lives of members of the older generation.―Older people are easily forgotten or ignored in a country like the USA,‖ said Robin Rodar,one of the organizers.―Youth and new things seem more important to a lot of people.‖
This isn‘t the way with other cultures.In New Mexico,older people from Hispanic and native American cultures preserve their traditions and languages.The extended family is important and grandparents are respected.This is also true in Asian cultures.In fact,the Santa Fe organizers got the idea for the Living Treasures Program from a Japanese tradition of honouring folk artists.
Twice a year,in spring and autumn,the program
honours three older New Mexicans.They are asked to give a long interview – an oral history – which is taped and preserved at the Santa Fe Public Library.A photographer spends a day with each living treasure and the photographs are also displayed at the library.
Then there is a ceremony to which the whole town is invited.Everyone meets at the Museum of International Folk Art.Friends and neighbors of the living treasures give a speech.―It‘s just amazing,‖ said Robin Rodar‘s husband,Sam.―The ceremony holds the community together.‖
The living treasures are honoured for their achievements in many different areas of life.It might be in their working life:medicine,education,the environment,architecture,literature and journalism; and it might be because of their contribution to the cultural and social life of the area:art,music,theatre,farming,sport etc.; or it might be because they have such good stories to tell about ―the old days‖
人气:123 ℃ 时间:2020-05-19 22:59:21
The living Treasures Program originated in Santa Fe,New Mexico in the USA in 1984 and has now spread to dozens of other communities across the country.活宝库计划开始于1984年,发源地为美国新墨西哥州圣达...