> 英语 >
It was once believed that a person was in great danger when he sneezed-people imagined that the soul could escape from the body at the moment of sneezing."God bless you" was a prayer for assistance in keeping the soul where it belonged.The German word Gesundheit (good health) is a variation of this prayer; the Irish deiseal and the Italian felicita are similar prayers.The Hindus say a word that means "live," and when a Mohammedan sneezes,he praises God.The Zulus of South Africa,far from being afraid of sneezes,believe that a sneeze signifies a friendly spirit's blessing.Whenever a child sneezes,they shout "Grow!" hoping the friendly spirit that stimulated the sneeze will help the child grow tall and strong.The ancient Hebrews also believed that a sneeze was good-a sneeze indicates life; the dead never sneeze.The Japanese say that if you sneeze once,someone is saying good things about you; if you sneeze twice,bad things are being said about you; if you sneeze three times,you have caught a cold.1.People once thought that anyone who sneezed was _____.A.sick B.in danger C.in good health D.evil 2."God bless you" was said in order to _____.A.make children grow tall and strong B.insure good health C.keep the soul in the body D.prevent someone from saying evil things about the sneezer 3.Gesundheit is a sneezing prayer most like _____.A.the Zulu prayer B."God bless you" C.the Japanese prayer D.a warning 4.The Zulus believe that sneezing is caused by _____.A.a good spirit B.a bad spirit C.illness D.children 45.It would be reasonable to conclude that _____.A.many people say prayers when they sneeze B.a prayer keeps the soul where it belongs C.all peoples were afraid of sneezes D.the moment of sneezing is very dangerous
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