> 英语 >
第一题:You must be careful before you( ) A.across B.crossing C.cross D.walk cross
第二题:---Do you know ( )
---It is about 10 minutes' walk from here
A.how far is the post office
B.when does the post office
C.how far the post office is
D.when the post office opens
第三题:Which do you like ( ),purple or green?
I like green( )
A.best best
B.better better
C.best better
D.better best
第四题:He came to the classroom ,------------(sing)a song.
第五题:He -----(fix)the broken bike when I came in
第六题:After you ------(pass)the seventh tree ,you will see my door
人气:390 ℃ 时间:2020-06-07 13:25:28
1 C ( A 是介词,不能作谓语; B 现在分词不能单独作谓语; D WALK 后不能直接接动词)
2 C 宾语从句是陈述语序,排除 A B ,问距离用HOW FAR )
3 B 两者相比用比较级
4 singing 现在分词作状语
5 was fixing (when 引导的状语从句:当一个动作发生时另一个动词正在进行)
6 pass 主将从现
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