> 英语 >
1.随身带好雨伞,以防下雨(in case of)2.我敲了敲门然而没有反应(knock)3.我在周末会尽可能多做回家作业(as...as)4.他坐在书桌后面并开始看起了杂志(seat)5.如果想把英语学好,我们必须养成阅读英语故事的习惯(form)6.他学习如此努力以至于很快赶上了同学们(so...that)7.对外国人来说,中国的有些风俗习惯既新鲜又有趣(customs)8.我是昨天在马路上碰巧看到我的朋友的(It was ...that...)9.令我们感到十分惊讶的是他们班在英语晚会上居然获得一等奖(surprise..most)10.直到完工他才离开办公室(not...Until)
人气:420 ℃ 时间:2020-05-21 12:43:30
Bring an umbrella, in case of rains
I knocked on the door but there was no response
I will do as much homework as possible this weekend
He sat on the seat behind the desk and began reading a magazine
If we want to learn English well, we must form the habit of reading English stories
He studied so hard that he caught up with his classmates quickly
TO foreigners, Chinese customs are new and interesting.
It was by chance that I saw my friends on the street yesterday.
What surprised us the most was that their class won the first place on the English concert
He did not leave the office until he finished his work
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