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Paris is the c___________and the largest and most important city of France.It is also one of the most beautiful capitals in the world.It is the centre of today's France,settled for m________than 2,000 years.Lying on both banks of river Seine,on a wide fertile plain,it is made of 20 municipal districts with a population of just over 2 million.Outside are the suburbs in which three out of four Parisians live.The total urban area h________ a population of 9 million and is increasing fast.Most Parisians live in blocks of flats.Many of the older blocks are of five or six s______.
Many people l_________ to sit outside a cafe with a drink while they r_________,chat watch the passers-by.They go to work by car,on green single-decker buses or by metro,which is the n_________ for the underground railway.Traffic on the roads is very heavy.
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