> 其他 >
帮我翻译几个句子 不要用翻译文件翻译的
1.我的法语能讲得像他一样好. 2.他的英语讲得不如他朋友好,但他的书面作品很优秀.
3.他的病比我们最初想象的要严重得多.4.姚明比我高40公分.5.他他越努力工作就越感到幸福. 6.海伦加入了失业者的行列.7.我不清楚他们怎么能负担得起这样昂贵的假期.8.16岁时我首次乘火车长途旅行.9.我永远不会忘记7岁时上学的第一天. 10.我把那些裤子换成大号的.我真不想劳神去征求他们的意见.
人气:247 ℃ 时间:2020-05-26 22:28:56
1.I can speak French as well as he.
2.His oral English is not as good as that of his friend,but his wriiten English is excellent.
3.His illnessis was more serious than we had imagined.
4.Yao is 40 centimeters higher than me .
5.The harder he works,the happier he feels.
6.Helen joined the ranks of the unemployed.(或:Helen became one of the jobless people.)
7.I don't know how they can afford such expensive holidays.
8.I made my first long journey by train when I was 16.
9.I'll never forget my first day at school when I was seven.
10.I changed those pants for large-sized ones .
11.I really don't want to bother to ask for their opinions.
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