英文单词造句 用enjoynone of your businessbear in the endprivate conversation 每个单词分别造一个句子 不要太复杂 可以从别的地方抄
人气:492 ℃ 时间:2019-10-02 22:31:32
1.I really enjoy skiing. 我真的喜欢滑雪. 2.My age is none of your business. 我的年纪不关你的事. 3.(1)My pet is a toy bear. 我的宠物是一个玩具熊. (2)She can't bear him. 她对他无法容忍. 4.In the end it was all worth it. 现在看来,一切的努力都是值得的. 5.This is a private conversation. 这是一次私人谈话.