狼狈为奸 狼奔豕突 狼狈为奸 鬼哭狼嚎 杯盘狼藉
豺狼成性 豺狼当道 豺狼之吻 官虎吏狼 鼠窜狼奔
虎狼之势 豕突狼奔 狼心狗肺 狼心狗行 前怕狼,后怕虎
狼贪虎视 狼吞虎咽 狼贪鼠窃 狼眼鼠眉 如狼牧羊
如狼似虎 声名狼藉 脏污狼藉 羊狠狼贪 引狼入室
翻译Being in cahoots Dashes pell-mell,is in cahoots,to shriek and howl wildly,wine cups and dishes strewn about,
wolfish,the evildoers in power,lips of the wolf,the official tiger government official wolf,the mouse flees the wolf to rush,
potential of the oppressor,dashes pell-mell,heartless and cruel,cruel dog line,first fears the wolf,latter feared the tiger
is insatiably greedy looks with fierce and covetous eyes,wolfs down,greedy,fiendish appearance,oppressive officials,
very cruel,discredited,dirty dirt in confusion,fierce and greedy,lets a wolf into the fold,
the hawk regards the wolf step