About the mid-fifth century,three Germanic tribes:Angles (Angles),Saxon (Saxons) and the Jutes (Juries) invaded Britain.Historically known as the Anglo-Saxon conquest (the Anglo-Saxon conquest).These invaders brought their own dialects,with the gradual integration of these dialects,as Old English (Old English).To the sixth century the British original inhabitants --- Celtics (Celts) or kill,or drive into the mountains,or reduced to slavery.Invaders became a British master,Old English or Anglo Saxon said (Anglo-Saxon) language of the UK,only in some of the Celtic place names in the United Kingdom,into the English language very few Celtic words.Therefore,we can say,with the Anglo-Saxon conquest of Britain,really the birth of the English language.
Old English period there were four main dialects:① dialect of Northern Calabria - - Hung
Po River north of the dialect; ② dialect --- Mel ranges from Hongbo West River and the River Thames in central England between the dialects; ③ living in Kent,southeast England dialect --- Jutes dialect region; ④ --- West Saxon dialect of the south of the River Thames.Northumbria and West Asia,the two dialects and Mel together Anglia (Anglian) dialect,that is,areas inhabited by the Anglo dialects,the early Old English dialect of Northumbria literature is created.