英语作文an forgetable moment 急用..
写错了.....是an unforgetable moment 嗯》。我想写的是嗯..中考成绩出来的那一天。具体,我写了这么多:
That moment ,exciting and unforgetable .
when i will kown the result of the exam of high school entrance ,i was so nervous that i couldn't.....我是一个高中生,请写的实际点。小女子这厢有礼了!
人气:147 ℃ 时间:2020-01-29 07:42:11
The first kiss
The first love
The first car you got from your parents
The prom of your high school
The moment when you turn 18
The moment when you are legally allowed to drink and buy cigarettes, or go the clubs
The moment you got to meet your favorite movie star, singer, or the great leader of your country
The moment when you join in the communist party
The moment when the counter-revolutionary rebellion was crushed in Beijing
The moment when you can freely elect your country's officials
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