四处飘( floating/drifting around ) 60米栏( 60-metre hurdles ) 由.制成( be made of ...)
好好睡一觉( having a nice sleep ) 一种特别的方式睡觉( a special way of sleeping )
特别喜爱的项目( my favorite subject ) 又有了一个主意( coming up with another idea )
比.小得多( much smaller than ...) 对.不好( be mean to ...)
比.快( be faster than ...) 一盘棋( a board of chess ) 呆会见( See you later )
相当令人惊异的( ) 体育明星( sports stars )
古城墙( old/anciant wall ) 乘气球飞行( taking a balloon flight )
一小盆土( ) 耍把戏( playing tricks ) 龙华寺( the Longhua Temple )