I saw you and suddenly my world has changed.
A voice in my heart trembled my body and then faded away.
Your eyes are unforgettable and I am still upset.
I do not believe it but yes...Feels like I'm in love.
Now that I'm in love with you and my heart belong to you.
Let's be together cause I'm tired of being alone.
Help me Don't let me be alone.
Do something and don't let my dreams be unfulfilled.
Don't let the stars shine in the night,come into my destiny.
Fill me with your love and makes me feel I'm in heaven.
Now that I'm in love with you and my heart belong to you.
Let's be together cause I'm tired of being alone.
人气:243 ℃ 时间:2020-03-28 01:58:56
- 英语翻译
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