请英语高手帮我改写两个句子被动句与主动句的转换,急求 谢谢了
The coffee beans are picked from the trees and dried in the sun, then the beans are roasted and then cooled rapidly before being ground .The beans are then mixed with hot water and the mixture is strained before it is frozen .Finally ,the frozen mixture is ground and then dried in vacuum before it is packed into jars .the coffee is now ready to be sold in shops
First , put three tablespoons of oil in a large pot .Then ,heat the oil on the high flame until one kernel of popcorn pops when you drop it into the hot oil .Now ,pour a quarter cup of popcorn into the pot and cover the pot with a lid .Reduce the flame and gently shake the pot . Continue shaking until the corn has popped. Finally ,empty the popcorn into a large bowl and add melted butter and salt .
人气:275 ℃ 时间:2020-06-22 07:50:02
1.Pick the coffee beans from the trees and dry them in the sun,and then roast them and cool them rapidly before ground.Then mix the beanswith hot water and strain the mixture before freezing it.Finall...
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