我选的文章是《an exciting job》.文章作者是一名火山学家,在HVO工作.他的主要任务是收集有关基拉韦厄火山的信息,与其他科学家预测熔岩将往何处流.他认为他的工作能拯救很多人,所以他认为他的工作是最令人兴奋的.文章还描写了他到夏威夷遇到地震和火山喷发的故事.
人气:469 ℃ 时间:2020-02-02 20:23:00
I choose the article an exciting job,whose author is a vulcanist .He works for HVO.his major assignment is to collect the imformation related to Kilauea,and he also predict the direction that lava flows together with other scientists.holding the idea that his work can save a lot of people,he thinks his work is the most exciting.Moreover,this article also describes the stories that he experiences earthquake and eruption when he is in Hawaii
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