1.Statistics arein for housing sales in February and the market looks to be strengthening.Wesold 200 units,a 10% increase from last month and 20% higher than the figuresfor last February.
2.The festival isone of the city’s most important business events and has been successfully heldthree times.The coming event will surpass its predecessors in terms of scale,the level of participation and the number of visitors coming from China andabroad.
3.Turnover forthe year ended 31 March 2004 amounted to approximately HK$ 118,445,000,representing an increase of about 30% as compared to that of last year.
4.The creditshall be payable against presentation of draft drawn on the opening bank andthe shipping documents specific in Article 11 hereof.
5.Haier pursues amerit policy.It gives top priority to human resource development.It has longabolished the no\|dismissal,no\|demotion,and fixed\|wage system.Instead,itemploys all staff on a contractual basis and through open competition; ten ofthe thirteen department heads were recruited in this way.
人气:252 ℃ 时间:2020-01-26 00:14:54
原文好多错误,更正如下:1.Statistics are in for housing sales in February and the market looks to be strengthening.We sold 200 units,a 10% increase from last month and 20% higher than the figures for l...
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