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accrual也是预先付款的意思 那为什么不能跟prepayment列在一起呢
人气:328 ℃ 时间:2020-10-01 04:25:23
accounts payable(=trade creditors)
The amounts owed by a business to suppliers(e.g. for raw materials) [for invoiced amounts]. Accounts payable are classed as current liabilities on the balance sheet but distinguished from accruals and other non-trade creditors(such as the Inland Revenue)
accrual (=accrued charge,=accrued expense,accrued liability)应计
An estimate in the accounts of a business of a liability that is not supported by an invoice or a request for payment at the time the accounts are prepared. An accrual is a current liability on the balance sheet and will be charged under expenses in the profit and loss account. Expenses are accrued as set out in the accruals concepts outlined in Statement of Standard Accounting Practice 2. An example of an accrual would be telephone expenses, which are billed in arrears. At the end of the accounting period, if no bill has been received, an estimate (based on past bills)would be made and credited to an accruals account; the corresponding debit would be made to the telephone expense account. The telephone expense account is then cleared to the profit and loss account.
prepayment (=payment in advance)
A payment made for goods or services before they are received. It is treated as deferred debits under the accruals concept, and is shown as a debit balance under debtors in the current assets of the balance sheet.
--Dic of Acc. OUP
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