Schools may also not be able to recruit or retain appropriately qualified staff for similar reasons.Linked to this are arguments about the value of the wider functions of schools as centres of community networks and the consequences for local communities of school closure.
If it can be shown that after controlling for the quality of educational output,costs per student are lower in large schools,there may be a case for setting a mandatory minimum school size or for limiting the size of schools if average costs are found to rise once a certain level of enrolment is exceeded
人气:372 ℃ 时间:2020-02-05 17:35:07
学校出于同样的原因也未必能够招募或保留适当资格的工作人员.与此相联的是学校作为网络中心是否会得到更加广泛的功能效用,以及学校停课会给当地社区带来的后果. 如果能够证明在控制教育质量后,每位学生所需花费的成...
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