Five millilitre of the solution was taken after the equilibration time then filtered off,
where the residual concentration of metal ion was determined via the titration against 5 · 10\23 M EDTA using PAR as indicator for Hg(II),murexide for Cu(II) and EBT for Ca(II),Mg(II),Cd(II),Zn(II) and Pb(II).The estimation of Hg(II) in a binary mixtures of Cu(II),Cd(II) and Zn(II) has been carried out according to the above procedures using KI as a masking agent for Hg(II)
人气:171 ℃ 时间:2020-05-25 08:47:16
5ml的生成物在反应达到平衡时间后被滤出,残余的金属离子浓度由滴定法?(这里看不懂,是5*10^3m ,我猜这是题目,下面是答题思路) EDTA络合滴定法中的指示剂对二价汞离子使用PAR(聚芳基酸酯),对二价铜离子用murexide,对...
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