> 英语 >
After the serious earthquake happened in April,2011 in Japan,a father rushed to his son’s school,but the b 1 where his son studied had fallen down and looked like a pancake.He was shocked and didn’t know what to do for a w 2 ,then he remembered the words he had said to his son,“No matter what,I’ll always be there with you!”.He started digging t 3 the bricks and rocks.While he was digging,other h 4 parents and firemen arrived.They tried to stop him from doing that.However,to them he r 5 with one sentence,“Are you going to help me?”.and then he went on.Everyone was d 6 moved,they all joined him in digging.Nobody was sure whether the child was still alive,they just keep on digging s 7 .
They dug for 8 hours…12 hours…,in the 39 th hour,when he p 8 off a rock and heard his son’s voice,“Dad?It’s me,Dad!I told the other kids not to w 9 and calm down..I told them you would come,You p 10 ‘No matter what,I will always be there with you!’ And you did it,dad!”
“What’s going on there?How is it?” the father asked.
“We are f 11 ,hungry and thirsty,but thankfully you are here.When the building fell down,it made a triangle(三角),and it s 12 us.”
人气:183 ℃ 时间:2019-08-18 21:54:52
1. building2. while3. through4. hopeless5. replied6. deeply7. search
8. put off9. worry10. promised11. frightened12. sheltered
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