> 英语 >
An Impatient Man
My boss is an impatient man.He’s not used to waiting for anything.
‘These letters need typing,Miss West,’ he said to me,‘Please do them now.And I want you to correct this report.You can begin reading it now.And I want you to write another letter to Johnson and Co.Tell them I look forward to hearing from them soon.And phone Smith and Co.immediately.I’m tired of waiting for their answer to my last letter.And…..’
‘Please,Mr.Wilkins,’I interrupted.‘You’ve just given me four jobs to do.Which one do you want me to do the first?’
‘What do you mean “first”?’ my boss asked.‘Do all the jobs NOW!I hate waiting for jobs to be done.If a job needs doing,Miss West,it needs doing NOW!’
人气:123 ℃ 时间:2020-05-30 20:28:46
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