what kind of music do you prefer,classical or pop music?why?
人气:285 ℃ 时间:2019-08-22 18:10:46
I like classical music better.Because these music has been passed down from composers hundreds of years ago,and have stood to the test of time.There are different styles.Sometimes the music makes you happy,and sometimes it makes you more thoughtful.It is the previous heritage of all mankind.Pop music,on the other hand,does not last very long.While it is popular in certain times,only after a few months,or even weeks,it will be replaced by newer music.
I like pop music better.Because it is more modern,and is more related to people's everyday life.Classical music,on the other hand,is a bit too dull and too long.And when I am happy,I can sing pop songs,but I can never sing classical music!
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