a solid cylindrical flywheel is 1.2m in diameter and has a mass of 910kg.If the axle is 150mm i...
a solid cylindrical flywheel is 1.2m in diameter and has a mass of 910kg.If the axle is 150mm in diameter and the coefficient of journal friction is 0.15,find the time required for the flywheel to coast to rest from speed of 500rev/min.
人气:180 ℃ 时间:2020-04-22 21:37:39
不清楚coast ,rest from正确含义,故仅为个人理解,仅供参考.“一个立体圆柱飞轮,直径为1.2米,质量为 910千克.假如轮轴的直径是150毫米,摩擦系数是0.15,请计算出飞轮达到500转/分钟的速度所需要的时间.”
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