> 英语 >
A:what is the environment like in your country?B:not so good.A:what a pity hear that,everyone should be actived to solved this problem,i believe environment of your city can better and better B:i dont thought so ,but between the ideal and the reality,between the motion and the act,falls the shadow A:dont be so sad,the longest day has an end,please dont forget it "one for all,all for one" B:let's face it,how can we get through this situation?A:look on the bright side,let's try our best to solved more and less,until try,u can know what u can do it.B:hope so,tomorrow is another day A:whatever will be,will be.
人气:432 ℃ 时间:2020-09-28 18:19:06
A你们国家环境怎样:B不太好.A真遗憾!每个人都应该积极地解决这个问题,我确信你们城市的环境会越来越好!B我不这样认为.在理想与现实之间,在动机与行为之间,总有阴影徘徊.A不要这么悲观.最难过的日子也有尽头.不要忘了“我为人人,人人为我” B面对现实吧,我们怎么解决这么个情况?A往好处想,或多或少我们总要尽力的试一下,你知道你该做什么.B希望如此,明天又是新的一天.A不管怎样,未来是怎么样就怎样.
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