> 英语 >
they refused to have resporisibility for accident .
somking effects health.
if you cut off all the tress will rain the land.
he weaked hard,so he has able to save money.
his illness caused him miss the game.
please remember me to ansuer that leater.
i cost an hour reading.
人气:424 ℃ 时间:2020-04-23 14:43:20
I spend an hour reading/ It costs me an hour to read.
Please remind me to answer that later.
He missed the game because of his illness.
He worked hard so that he could save some money.
Smoking affects the health.
if you cut off all the tress will rain the land.-这句话不知道你要表达什么.
they refused to have resporisibility for accident .-they refused to take the responsibilites for the accident.....老师出的。。就是改错,,翻译的确,,,那啥了点。。if you cut down all the trees, it will flood the land,大概这样该吧上面那个回复。。我写了,嗯,就是改这个,,,,题目我都做了,只是没答案来对一下的、、、上面是你已经改的题目了?还是上面的是原题,然后你要改啊?我发的都是改错,,就是要改的。。。。。是改单词,还是时态什么也要改?下面的就是改了单词的they refused to have resporisibility for accident .-take the responsibility somking effects health.-affectsif you cut off all the tress will rain the land. -- floodhe weaked hard,so he has able to save money. - was able tohis illness caused him miss the game. -his missing please remember me to ansuer that leater.-remindi cost an hour reading.-I spend an hour reading
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