这儿一个字的高度就达13.7米,是洛杉矶有名的建筑物,经常可以在电影电视上看到它的身影.原来这是为发展好莱坞地区而修建的.1960年,当 Hollywood Land变为Hollywood时,这个标志就成了好莱坞的象征物不得不提的是,1932年一个新女演员因经受不起失败的打击,曾在这个标志的“D”字上坠崖自杀.现在禁止接近这个标志,你只能在天文台上通过望远镜进行摄影.
人气:346 ℃ 时间:2019-08-26 04:03:22
Hollywood,"a word here,a large sign on the height of 13.7 meters,is the famous building in Los Angeles,can often see it on film and television figure.So this is for the development of the Hollywood area and built.In 1960,when the Hollywood Land into Hollywood,this flag became a symbol of Hollywood had to mention that a new actress in 1932,can not afford failure due to hit the mark in the "D" word Zhuiya suicide.is now forbidden close to this mark,you can only be through a telescope at the Observatory on photography.