> 英语 >
009 10.0 points
In a scene in an action movie,a stunt man
jumps from the top of one building to the
top of another building 4.9 m away.After a
running start,he leaps at an angle of 19◦ with
respect to the flat roof while traveling at a
speed of 5.4 m/s.
The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2 .
To determine if he will make it to the other
roof,which is 2.5 m shorter than the build-
ing from which he jumps,find his vertical
displacement upon reaching the front edge of
the lower building with respect to the taller
人气:397 ℃ 时间:2020-03-28 07:04:56
In a scene in an action movie,a stunt man在动作电影中的一个场景,一个替身
jumps from the top of one building to the跳跃从一个建筑物顶端
top of another building 3.1 m away.另一建筑物顶部距离3.1米.After a经过
running start,he leaps at an angle of 15?运行开始,他以15飞跃的角度?with与
respect to the flat roof while traveling at a对于平屋顶在旅行时
speed of 5.8 m/s.速度5.8米/秒
The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2 .重力的加速度为9.81 m/s2.
To determine if he will make it to the other要确定他是否会令到其他
roof,which is 2.0 m shorter than the build-屋顶,这是2.0米短于集结
ing from which he jumps,find his vertical荷兰从他的跳跃,发现他的垂直
displacement upon reaching the front edge of排量在达到前缘
the lower building with respect to the taller相对于较低的建设的高
building.建设.Answer in units of m.回答单位米
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