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《愤怒的葡萄》发表于1939年.诺贝尔文学奖得者,约翰•斯坦贝克(john steinbeck,1902—1968),是一位深受《圣经》影响的美国现当代小说家.《愤怒的葡萄》是斯坦贝克的代表作,曾荣获1940年普利策奖,凭借这部作品,1962年斯坦贝克获得了诺贝尔文学…《愤怒的葡萄》是斯坦贝克对美国文学的巨大贡献,被誉为美国文化中的一个里程碑.小说以深切的同情,描绘了中西部的破产农民利用破旧的卡车,离乡背井,风餐露宿,向西迁移,以寻找他们心目当中的“迦南”,乐土和天堂为目的地,寻求生路的凄惨景象.该作品无论是人物刻画,篇章结构,还是语言风格,无处不存在着《圣经》影响的痕迹.这部小说无论在思想上还是在艺术上都标志着作者文学创作的高峰,被誉为美国文化中的一个里程.
人气:454 ℃ 时间:2020-06-11 15:01:44
The grapes of wrath "published in 1939.The Nobel Prize for literature to,John Steinbeck (John Steinbeck,1902-1968),is a deeply affect the bible of contemporary American novelist.The grapes of wrath Steinbeck's masterpiece,was awarded the Pulitzer prize in 1940,with this work,1962 Steinbeck won the Nobel Prize in literature.The grapes of wrath Steinbeck are the enormous contribution to American literature,is regarded as a milestone in American culture.With deep sympathy and depicts the bankruptcy of the old truck,and the forest in search of the westward,their minds among the canaanites,"paradise" and seek for the destination path,paradise of misery.This works both characterization,textual structure,or language style,there is no traces of influence in the bible.The novel in thought or on art are marks of the literary creation peak,known as a milestone in American culture.
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