Once there lived two elephants.They were wife and husband.Mrs Elephant had a problem.Her husband talked in a very loud voice.
"Please speak more softly,"Mrs Elephant asked again and again.
Mr Elephant tried to speak softyl,but he often forgot.He did not know what a booming voice he had.
"Your loud voice makes me have headaches,"Mrs Elephant said,Mr Elephant felt sad.He decided to stop talking.
One day it was quite cold outside.Mrs Elephant went out to a clothing store and bought a warm coat.She also bought a pair of earmuffs there.Mrs Elephant found that everything sounded quieter when she put the earmuffs on har head to cover her two ears.Mrs Elephant had an idea.She put on the earmuffs every time when she was with her husband.Mr Elephant talked and talked,loudly as before.Mrs Elephant enjoyed hearing all the interesting things he said.
1.Why did Mrs Elephant buy the earmuffs?
A.Because they looked nice with her coat
B.Because Mr Elephant liked them
C.Because they could keep her ears warm
D.Because they could make Mrs Elephant's voice quieter.
-------------C or
2.Which of the following is the best title
A.A big talker
B.The boring life of an elephant
C.A strange elephant
D.The special use of the earmuffs
人气:455 ℃ 时间:2020-01-24 12:25:32
2、A(这个主题很明确,一开始是说大象先生说话很大声,大象女士受不了他的声音,在寒冷的冬天买到耳罩发现却能够让自己听不见他的声音,然后大项先生很享受自己的声音.其实答案很明确的,文章开头结尾都是重点讲到了大象先生很大声.)C确定了,第二题呢?我回答你啦。是我肯定会选A ,这个题的重点我个人觉得不在于耳罩的特殊用途,而是那位大项先生的大声从而让耳罩有了新的用途。
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