在我们班,一共有50名学生.大概有15名同学,是坐公共汽车来上学的.另外有15名同学是坐地铁来上学的,我们班没有多少同学骑自行车上学,仅仅就只有10名同学.少数的同学,大概有7名是走路来上学的,我们班只有3名同学是坐小汽车来上学的.帮我的翻译一下!但不可以和这篇相同!How do We Go to School?Our class has 50 students.Some of us,about 15,come to school by bus.Another 15 classmates come by subway.Not many classmates come by bike,only 10.Afew classmates,about 7 go to school on foot.Only three students in our class go to school by car.
人气:399 ℃ 时间:2020-04-04 12:34:03
In our class,there are 50 students.There are about 15 students, is the bus to school.In addition there are 15 students is a subway ride to school, we do not ban the number of students riding bicycles to school, only just 10 Students. Minority students, about 7 was walking to school, we are only 3 classes students are sitting the car to go to school.
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