根据问句选答句 What are you going to do?Where are you going?How do you go to the zoo?Can I go o
n foot?答句:By train Sure,if you like I m going to Beijing Take a trip
人气:263 ℃ 时间:2019-10-01 08:18:24
根据问句选答句:1、What are you going to do?(Take a trip.)你打算做什么?去旅行.2、Where are you going?(I'm going to Beijing.)你要去哪?我要去北京.3、How do you go to the zoo?(By train.)你怎样去动...吧下列句子重新排列,并注意大小写do to park how the you go? minutes go straight can five youfor.吧下列句子重新排列,并注意大小写do to park how the you go? minutes go straight can five youfor.1、How do you go to the park? (你怎样去公园?)2、You can go straight for five minutes. (你可以直走五分钟。)麻烦了大哥 把下列句子重新排列,并注意大小写on left the is the bookstore please is the where hospital最后那个单词是hospital1、The bookstore is on the left. (书店在左手边。)2、Where is the hospital, please? (请问医院在哪?)我知道我是个罪人.......you what to evening are do this goingWhat are you going to do this evening? 今晚你打算做什么?如果问题已经解决,请及时采纳。尊重别人的劳动成果也是一种美德,这样的话以后别人才会继续帮助你的。
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