> 语文 >
人气:188 ℃ 时间:2020-05-26 15:04:57
一种顶格写,一种要空4-5个字符.在写论文的时候两种格式都要用到.因为写一,二级标题的时候是顶格的,而正文的时候有要求空4各字符.正规的写法是左对齐,正文段首空4字符.还有一些字体要求都非常严格的,你写毕业论文的时候就会知道了.���������أ����Ӣ�����Ÿ�ʽӦ�����Ĵ󲿷֣����ڣ��ƺ������ģ������������1�����Ѽ��October,16,2011�����𶥸�Dear Jimmy�����𶥸�I'm glad to receive your letter...�����ģ���ͷ���ĸ� Yours Sincerely, Jack�����£����������������1508 Topp Lane 6E Glenview, IL 60025 U. S. A. Dec. 26, 1998 Dear Sun Yong-kang:Your letter eventually followed me to my new address (above). I��m afraid I can��t be of much specific help to you. I am, however, sending you a directory of physics programs in the U.S. On pp. 178 �C 180 are programs leading to a Master��s or Ph.D. My suggestion is to look over the program descriptions and then to write directly to the addresses given if any look appropriate. Stress that you need financial aid.I wouldn��t worry too much about your English. Your academic background seems strong. Good Luck, Harvey Nadler
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