新概念英语2同步测试卷(Lesson 1~4)
用所给词的适当形式组成句子(注意:有的不是用原形!) 1.angrily,say yesterday,he,me,to 2.until,will,I,see,not,Friday,you,again 3.Mary,a,child,spoil,is 4.I,a,letter,have,uncle,my,from,just,receive 5.he,oftrn,on,go,Fridays,the,to,theatre 选择填空 1.Is Russia _____European country or________Asian one? A.a;an B.an;a C.a;a D.an;an 8."Excuse me,is this Mr.Robinson's office?" "I'm sorry ,but Mr.Robinson______works here .He left about three weeks ago." A.not now B.not more C.not still D.at most 课内阅读理解 3.Which of the followling is true about Lesson 3? A.A friendly waiter taught the author how to read the book in Italian. B.He did not write a single card bacause he did not know how to write cards in Italian. C.His holidays passed quickly because postcards spoiled his hoildays. D.His friends expect to receive his postcards when he was having hoildays abroad.
人气:392 ℃ 时间:2020-05-19 10:50:30
课文内容我有点印象.凭印象来吧.1.He saied to me angrily yesterday.2.I will not see you until Friday.3.Mary is a spoiled child.4.I have just received a letter from my uncle.5.He often go to the theatre on Fridays.(LZ 你把often 写错了) 选择:1.A 8.B (LZ是不是又有地方打错了.B是no more 吧) 阅读:3.B