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英语 作文coping with time stress 急
人气:243 ℃ 时间:2020-05-17 15:47:22
With the development of society, the competition of the entire society is more and more intense, causing increasing pressure to people. Stress of study, work and life are ubiquitous, but how can we deal withit? Here are some tips that I hope canbe useful.
Firstly, keep good health. A healthy body is the premise to face presure. It’s the least capacity to cope with stress when a person is sick. Secondly, to accept the pressure. The reason why many people can not copewith stress is that they resist and escape it. Actually, there always is trouble and problems once we chose a path to go, because almost everything worth doing is not so easy.Thirdly, solve the problem, rather than complain about it. Many people complain about the surroundings anddon’t think about the solutions when faced with problems. We all know that complaint can do nothing but only let you down. As long as the problem not solved, the pressure is always there. Fourthly, tell others your pressure and get help from them. Lots of pressure can’t be solvedby our own and the rational way is talking the pressure to workmates or friends to get help from them. But thepremise to do so is that we don’t intend to put pressure to others but to seek help and support to solve problems.
Of course, there also are some other ways to cope with stress, such as readjusting goal and expectation, playing games to relax, even shopping or eating. But no matter how, solving the problem that causes stress is the best way.
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