> 其他 >
希望有时候是禁不住打压的,就像是安迪的妻子误杀同法官的误判;但是也可能被激发,会有一种力量让你热血沸腾让你重新开始,于安迪像是汤姆的死、那一堵并不结实的强,于我来说甚至可以就是这部电影;有时候它会静静地长出来,就像是19年之后安迪内心的罪孽早已磨灭,就像是很多郁郁寡欢沉沦愤世的人,安静的一段时光(可能是几个月,或者是很多年)之后,他能够突然以重生之躯回到real world.
人气:238 ℃ 时间:2020-05-27 12:56:05
Hope that sometimes could not help but suppressed,as is Andy's wife manslaughter with the judges of the miscarriage of justice; but may also be excited,there will be a force to let your blood boil to let you start again,Andy like Tom's death,and thatwall is not strong is strong,even for me the film; sometimes it will quietly grow out,just as the sins of 19 years of the Hou Andi heart has long been eroded away,like many unhappy sinkcynical people quiet for some time (possibly several months or many years),he can suddenly reborn footer back to the real world.
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