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人气:376 ℃ 时间:2020-03-28 16:38:07
on prep.在...之上;由 ...支撑着;在(某一天);关于;基于adv.穿着;向前(移动);表示持续性adj.表示已连接、处于工作状态或使用中;发生;值班您对本词条的内容满意吗:prep.(介词) (表示位置)在…上,在…旁,在…身边 a word that shows where; over; besides (表示时间)在…之时 a word that shows when; during (表示方向)向,往,朝; 沿着,顺着 a word that shows direction; towards (表示状态)系于,悬于; 附于 a word that shows state; tied to; hung on (表示方式)乘,坐,骑 a word that shows means; by (表示对象)对,对于,碰在,对…造成困难 intended to belong to or be given to (表示原因)由于,因为 because of sth (表示比较)与…相比 a word that shows compare (表示方位)在…方位 a word that shows position (表示环境)在…里,处于…之中 a word that shows situation,in (表示程度)在…层次〔程度〕,水平上 a word that shows degree,level (表示关系)关于,论及,有关 a word that shows opinion; view (表示根据)根据,按照 a word that shows accordance to (表示所属)是…的成员,属于,在…供职 a word that shows subordinate to (表示过程)服用,处于…中 a word that shows what sb is doing or what is happening (表示依附)靠…支撑,凭借,依赖 a word that shows depending on (表示累加)一个接一个,…又…a word that shows accumulation; one by one 查看更多adv.(副词) (放,穿,连接)上 being worn 向前,(继续)下去 movement forward or progress 详尽释义 prep.(介词) 在...上 向,朝 关于在通过沿着靠近盖著以...支持 挂在...上 属于以...为轴 为...的成员 依据靠因...从...得来的 在...旁 adv.(副词) 向前(移动) 继续(着),进行着,在进行中 穿上,盖上,穿着 向着上去,向上 开(着),通着 接下去 连接上 处于工作状态 上演着 表示持续性 adj.(形容词) 开着的 在进行的,在发生的,在活动的 通着的 点着的 熟悉的 有点醉意的,醉了的 开始的 菜单上有的 供应的 知情的 持久的,继续的 操作中的,行动中的 ,使用中的 起着作用的 abbr.(缩略词) =Old Norse 古挪威语 =Ontario 安大略湖 n.(名词) 【板】左边 在垒上 三柱门 进行着的某种情况或状态 侧击Heliopolis的圣经名称 英英释义 Adjective:in operation or operational; "left the oven on"
"the switch is in the on position"
(of events) planned or scheduled; "the picnic is on,rain or shine"
"we have nothing on for Friday night"
Adverb:with a forward motion; "we drove along admiring the view"
"the horse trotted along at a steady pace"
"the circus traveled on to the next city"
"move along""march on"indicates continuity or persistence or concentration; "his spirit lives on"
"shall I read on?"
in a state required for something to function or be effective; "turn the lights on"
"get a load on"
用作介词 (prep.)The book is on the table.
书在桌子上.The spider is walking on the ceiling.
蜘蛛在天花板上爬行.I bought it on credit.
这东西我是赊购来的.He studied at Oxford on a Rhodes scholarship.
他会作关于国际形势的讲座.They made their own judgment on his report.
用作副词 (adv.)Put your coat on.
向前走!Time marches on.
时光流逝.She worked quietly all night.
她整个晚上默默地继续工作.He walks on down the corridor.
用作形容词 (adj.)The televisionw set was on.
电视机开着.The light were all full on.
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