> 英语 >
Different people act differently when they have difficulty.Lily often turns to her parents,friends,and teachers in time of trouble.She thinks it important to listen to others.Joe usually depends on himself.He is used to finding solutions on his own.Very often,however,Steven refuses to face his own trouble.He hardly knows what to do because he seldom believes in himself.I think it reasonable to listen to different voices.Also,we must learn to solve problems on our own.The more we try to face our problems,the better we will be able to deal with them.Actually it is high time for us to think and act.
人气:399 ℃ 时间:2020-06-03 19:28:08
分析的格式是什么就是一句句在下面写出主语谓语宾语,宾补这些,不确定也没事,,我真的是写不来啊Different people 是主语 act是谓语 differently是副词 修饰动词 when they have difficulty是状语从句 其实很简单的 你可以试试看 比如第二句 turn是个动词 加上s后就是谓语动词 因为整个句子里只有这么一个动词 turn前面的lily就是主语 her parents, friends, and teachers就是宾语 宾语一般就是在谓语动词后面 其他的成分不是作状语 就是补语 要么定语 有问题可以再提问谢谢啊,那个Lily是主语那跟在后面就都是谓语吗,often也是谓语?often是副词 修饰谓语动词的最后问一个,那in time of trouble 就是定语了吧?我自己尽量试试饿不是定语 是状语 定语是修饰名词的
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