求英语作文 my school
人气:409 ℃ 时间:2020-05-13 02:31:00
把你们学校的基本情况说一下,我帮你翻译.你让我们直接帮你写,你们老师会看出来不是你写的.不是,是哪个编一个对话你编一个好了My school is very beautiful in the spring, the campus is full of flowers on the float the clove. Our school a lot of trees, a lot of school buildings. There is also a music room and two large laboratory building for teaching.我的学校非常漂亮,到了春天,满校园就飘起了丁香的花香。我们学校很多树,很多教学楼。还有一个大的音乐教室和两个实验楼用于教学。看看行不?额多点吧,我们学校是百年老校 里面有很多树还有很大的操场, 还有一座教学楼,里面有电脑室、图书馆、电脑室。 学校大门有一座像雁荡山的假山Our school is Bainianlaoxiao, there are a lot of trees there is a great playground, there is a school building, which has a computer room, library, classrooms. Hill as the school gates there is a rockery, Jinjiao Men's lilac garden after refreshing. The edge of the playground have also planted trees in the middle there are pine trees. Can often see squirrels knock pine nuts.我们学校是百年老校,里面有很多树还有很大的操场,有一座教学楼,里面有电脑室、图书馆、教室。学校大门有一座像雁荡山的假山,进校门以后满园的丁香让人神清气爽。操场边上还种有树丛,中间还有松树。经常可以看到小松鼠磕松子。