1.Farmers g________ rice in the south of China.
2.Our n_______________ are f__________ to us.
3.The door is o________________the window .
4.Look!He is l_______ on the ground.
5.The reading room is very q________________,let's go there to study .
6.There are many books on these __________.(书架).
7.There is a bridge ______ the river.(在…上面)
8.We live in the ________ of Moscow.(中心)
9.Tomorrow is his ____________________(二十) birthday .He'll have a party .
10.I would be t___________________after the long plane j_____________.
11.I can't wait ________ (see) you.
12.Please ask him ________ (call) me soon.
13.December is the ________ (12) month of a year.
14.This is a w________ house.in London
15.My best friend practises _________ (dance) every day.
16.Its birthday is on the f_____________(5)of June .
17.We'll be very happy if he __________________(到达)
18.Don't w__________________about me .I'm a secondary student already .
人气:397 ℃ 时间:2019-12-09 05:54:45
1.grow 中国南部的农民种植大米.
2.neighbor friendly 我们的邻居对我们很友好.
3.opposite 门在窗子的对面.
4.lying 看,他正躺在地上.
5.quiet 阅览室非常安静,让我们去那里学习吧!
6.shelves 在这些书架上有许多书.
7.over 在河上有一座桥.
8.center 我们住在莫斯科的中心.
9.twentieth 明天是他二十岁的生日,他会开个聚会.
10.tired journey 在长途飞机旅行之后,我非常的疲惫.
11.to see 我迫不及待要看到他了.can't wait to do sth.
12.to call 请要他过一会打电话给我.ask sb.to do sth.
13.twelfth 十二月是一年的第十二个月.
14.wooden 这是一个木头房子,在伦敦.
15.dancing 我的好朋友每天都练习跳舞.practise doing sth.
16.fifth 它的生日是6月5日.
17.arrives 如果他来了,我们会非常开心.主句用一般过去时,从句用一般将来时.
18.worry 不要担心我,我已经是一个中学生了.Don't worry
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