> 英语 >
根据首字母和句意 写出单词
1 Did Jim f____in his Maths exam?
2 When is the b____time of year to visit your home town?
3 Mr Green always drives his car very c_____.
4 Who does this new house b____to?
5 She had a happy s____on her face?
6 Our principal will give us a t____on Project Hope tomorrow afternoon.
7 My uncle won't be free u____ next Sunday.
8 Wait for you t____to see the doctor.
9 The road crosses the river by a very long b____
10 Would you like a____cup of milk?
11 The s____of music came through the open window.
人气:145 ℃ 时间:2020-04-08 21:54:43
1-5 fail,best,carefully,blong,smile,
6-11 talk,until,turn,beach,another,sound
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