21.- How is he getting along with his work?
- Oh,he is on the ______ to becoming the most highly paid man in the company.
A.way B.road C.path D.route
22.If we could learn English in the same _______,it would not seem so difficult.
A.road B.way C.theory D.means
23.It was difficult to guess what her ________ to the news would be.
A.impression B.comment C.reaction D.opinion
24.As they can't afford to let the situation get worse,they will take some necessary _______.
A.decisions B.sides C.directions D.steps
25.One needs a good sense of ______ to ride a bike.
A.level B.skill C.balance D.ability
26.You should read the ______before you take the medicine.
A.lines B.words C.instructions D.suggestions
27.At the _______ of the police,those people ran off in all directions.
A.sight B.look C.watch D.view
28.What is the ____ for the sandstorm?
A.reason B.cause C.effect D.fact
29.I would be very ______ if you could give me an early reply.
A.pleasant B.grateful C.satisfied D.helpful
30.I won't make the _______ mistake next time.
A.like B.same C.near D.similar
31.It is _______ for people to feel excited when they start doing something new.
A.normal B.ordinary C.average D.regular
32.He _______ lives in the house where he was born.
A.already B.yet C.still D.ever
33.Twenty people were ________ wounded in the air crash.
A.quickly B.wrongly C.bitterly D.seriously
34.He has smoked for so many years that he can ______ give it up.
A.directly B.mostly C.exactly D.hardly
35.He left in such a hurry that I ______ had time to thank him.
A.almost B.even C.hardly D.nearly
36.The top of the Great Wall is ________ for five horses to go side by side.
A.wide B.so wide C.wide enough D.enough wide
37.He moved away from his parents,and missed them ______ enjoy the exciting life in New York.
A.too much to B.enough to C.very much to D.much so as to
38.He is not a child ________.
A.no more B.no longer C.any much D.any longer
39.He has been writing for 3 years,but being a writer is not his ________.
A.chance B.choice C.change D.character
40.In the _______ of the lecture,he often became absent-minded.
A.course B.court C.cause D.career
人气:373 ℃ 时间:2020-01-27 09:58:04
21.- How is he getting along with his work?0 - 离问题结束还有 14 天 23 小时 21.- How is he getting along with his work?- Oh,he is on the ___A___ to becoming the most highly paid man in the company.A.w...
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