> 英语 >
1.The reason the mammal is the dominant life form in such a wide range of habitats is its ability to maintain a steady internal body temperature in practically any environment.
practically any错了,为什么?
2.Elizabeth Ellet is best known for her historical accounts that focus on ordinary lives,especially that of women,rather than on larger political and socioeconomic events.
that of 错了。我觉得 rather than错了啊,是不是应该改成 rather than that啊。
3.Despite its dry climate,the ancient city of Petra had about 30000 resident; this astonishing dense population was made possible only by a cleverly designed water supply system.
人气:233 ℃ 时间:2020-01-30 16:30:00
1.practically any错了,environment是名词,副词不能修饰直接名词,要形容词,应该是any practical2.that of 错了,作者要表达 focus on ordinary lives,especially ordinary lives of women,而ordinary lives 是复数,所...
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