Then Satherwaite told about Phil's Aunt Louise and the telegram; about his dismal dinner at the restaurant and the subsequent flight from the tomblike silence of the club; how he had decided,in desperation,to clean up his study,and how he had come across Doyle's notebook.He told it rather well; he had a reputation for that sort of thing,and to-night he did his best.He pictured himself to his audience on the verge of suicide from melancholia,and assured them that this fate had been averted only through his dislike of being found lifeless amid such untidy surroundings.
人气:260 ℃ 时间:2019-09-22 08:01:51
亲,感觉这段话逻辑挺乱的,可能需要更多的上下文才会更好理解,有些细节我按自己的想法处理,你看是不是差不多这个意思吧,我尽力了!Satherwaite 告诉Phil的姨妈并且发送了电报(这里比较矛盾,我想更应该是给Phil的姨妈...